TKN Inc. has always embraced the fundamental principles of employment equity and transformation. TKN Inc. believe that the advancement of previously disadvantaged people is no longer an option but a business imperative for its country.

The transformation process at TKN Inc. is one of the most fundamental processes to uplift the socio-economic conditions in South Africa. Transformation fuels the growth that will sustain the firm, adapts the firm to its environment and results in a firm that epitomises the attributes of its entire people.

Transformation at TKN Inc. is a two-tier approach. The first tier represents TKN Inc. commitment to creating a truly diverse firm through its Employment Equity process. The second tier represents TKN Inc. recognition of its role towards social upliftment through its Community Involvement initiatives.

As a result TKN has a female managing director, one female senior associate and two female candidate attorneys. Of the thirteen support staff members, eleven are females and they undergo training from time to time.

Through the same initiative, TKN Inc. has appointed a Skills Development Facilitator to further develop and empower its staff members through SASSETA.