Under its Litigation Services practice, TKN Inc. specialise in both civil and criminal courts. TKN Inc. has extensive experience advising individuals, small to medium enterprises, domestic corporations, government and regulatory bodies in respect of sensitive, complex, high-value and multi-jurisdictional disputes that require efficient and effective solutions. TKN Inc. offers both dispute avoidance and optimal risk management, ensuring that relevant counsel and advise is obtained before any litigation process is considered.

TKN Inc. acts in and advises on aspects of litigation/dispute resolution, in lower and higher courts, both prior to the commencement of the litigation process and thereafter, including,but not limited to:

  • Constitutional Law
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Motor Vehicle Collision Claims
  • Professional Liability, Medical Negligence claims
  • Arbitration, Special Tribunals and Labour Courts
  • Representing clients in arbitrations and regulatory tribunals
  • Furnishing opinions to clients with regards to all aspects of dispute resolution
  • Representing clients in regulatory tribunals and hearings convened in terms of statutes
  • Advising on and representing clients in settlement negotiations
  • Advising clients on alternate dispute resolution processes, including mediation
  • Assisting on administrative appeals in relation to decisions by regulatory bodies, including reviews of such decisions
  • Assisting with and representing clients in draft legislation and regulations submissions
  • Representing clients before the statutory ombudsmen of various industries